There are so many different treatments out there for different complaints and ailments – from physio and chiroractors to reflexology and sports massages - so why should you choose Osteopathy?
The primary focus of Osteopathy is to “treat the patient, not the disease” – meaning we look at your body as a whole rather than focus on the area of pain. The principle is that all body parts are interconnected and the function of one part of the body is dependant on another.
How It Works
Through osteopathy you can remove the underlying cause of pain. Pain is reduced as is stiffness in muscles and joints. You can increase the range of motions in the joints and treat spinal problems due to poor posture or spinal disk injuries.
Through non-invasive treatment you can relieve chronic pain. This is achieved by decreasing the stress on joints and relieving tension in the body, including tension headaches and migraines.
Its Not Just Backs
There are assumptions that osteopaths just treat your back and neck. But osteopathy can be used to treat a whole range of conditions - it has the ability to encourage the body to heal itself by increasing circulation and reducing blood pressure.
Treatment addresses mechanical problems within the whole neuro-muscular-skeletal system of your body which include joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves, meaning that regardless of where your pain may be, osteopathic treatment is likely to help you.
If you suffer from a chronic illness such as asthma, arthritis and IBS, osteopathy can treat and alleviate the symptoms to help you continue with normal day to day life.
Osteopathic treatment also has the ability to adapt to the bodies hormonal and structural change in pregnancy, easing posture and pelvic issues.
Treatments can also help reduce scaring and adhesions and treat trauma resulting from accidents such as those through sports and motor vehicles injuries.
Another benefit of osteopathy is that it can offer prevention. If you have recently recovered from an injury or a condition, it can help to reduce the chance of reoccurrence of the problem.
How We Will Treat You
During your initial consultation I will take a brief case history including your symptoms and discuss the nature of the condition along with your general health as well as any concerns you may have.
The type of treatment offered can depend on your condition, age and preference. In some cases it can be gentle and relaxing, helping to reduce stress by increasing your body efficiency, such as your blood flow, nerve supply and immune system.
I will include a range of stretches, massage and manipulation techniques. In some cases firmer treatment may be needed including deep tissue massage to break up the build up around the problem area. But I will discuss all approaches during the appointment.
To aide your recover, further exercises may be set for you to do at home and some alterations to your lifestyle related to posture, heavy lifting etc. The number of treatments required will vary depending on the problem and conditions associated.
Osteopaths are primary healthcare practitioners, like doctors. You do not need a referral from your GP, unless you choose to use medical insurance you may have.
Get in touch today to see how I can help.